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Code Block
titleGlobal Options
        <!-- <dbConnectString>dbConnectString</dbConnectString>
        <dbEncPassword>ChangeMe1234</dbEncPassword> -->
        <!-- <sourceListFile>sourceListFile</sourceListFile> -->


deleteCheckScriptWhen the deleteSource global option is true, add this option to execute an external script to check whether a file should be deleted. If the process exits with return code zero, the file is safe to delete.
deleteOlderThanWhen the deleteSource global option is true, add this option to only delete files that have been modified more than <delete-age> milliseconds ago.
excluded-pathsA list of regular expressions to search against the full file path. If the path matches, the file will be skipped. Since this is a regular expression, take care to escape special characters.  For example, to exclude all .snapshot directories, the pattern would be .*/\.snapshot. Specify multiple entries by repeating the option or using multiple lines.
followLinksInstead of preserving symbolic links, follow them and sync the actual files.
includeBaseDirBy default, the base directory is not included as part of the sync (only its children are). enable this to sync the base directory.
modifiedSinceOnly look at files that have been modified since the specifiec date/time.  Date/time should be provided in ISO-8601 UTC format (i.e. 2015-01-01T04:30:00Z, which is <yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ>).
pathThe directory tree or file that you would like to copy to/from.  If the source path points to a single file or object instead of a directory, the destination path must also point to a single file or object.  If the source path points to a directory, the directory name will not be included in the destination unless "includeBaseDir" is enabled.
relativeLinkTargets By default, any symbolic link targets that point to an absolute path within the primary source directory will be changed to a (more portable) relative path.  Set this option false to keep the target path as-is.
storeMetadataWhen used as a target, stores source metadata in a json file, since filesystems have no concept of user metadata.  When used as a source, uses the json file to restore the metadata in the target.
useAbsolutePathWhen true, uses the absolute path to the file when storing it instead of the relative path from the source dir.


Code Block
titleROSS ecs S3 as Target
            <!-- <host>host</host> -->
