
This document lists the tools used for developing web applications in ERL and includes installation instructions. This is the general set:


We are using the Sun/Oracle version of Java. You will want to get the Java SE JDK. As of today, the version is 8u45.



The git system/application will be included as part of Eclipse.

There is a git configuration file that needs to be updated, even though we will use Eclipse to access Git. The site certificate is no recognized by the Java from Oracle, and we need to tell git to ignore the certificate issue.

Create the file .gitconfig (note the . in front of gitconfig) in your home folder. The contents should look like this:

          name = Steve Moore
          email =
            sslVerify = false

This should be recognized by git within Eclipse.


You will need the follow Eclipse add-ons. See Appendix material for installation instructions.

Apache Tomcat

The link for Tomcat is The current release is 8.0.x. The installation steps below will tell you how to run/test the server. 

All instructions below assume you are retrieving a binary distribution from the Core section. You do not need the installer from the Deployer, Extras or Embedded section.

  1. Download the zip file (normally first in the list of distributions). The web browser will likely unzip the file for you and drop the expanded folder in your Downloads folder.
  2. Copy the expanded tomcat folder to a more permanent folder. This can still be somewhere in your home folder or a sub folder.
  3. The installation is complete, but these next steps will help you check the installation.
    1. From a terminal window, cd to the tomcat folder you created.
    2. cd bin
    3. chmod +x *.sh
    4. ./
    5. Use a web browser and connect to http://localhost:8080. You should see a Tomcat welcome page
    6. ./

Appendix Material

Eclipse Add-ons

First check to see if any of these were included in the baseline installation of Eclipse.

Eclipse Installation Details


Eclipse Installed Software




Eclipse EGit 3.4.2

Should be installed as part of base installation – M2e Maven Integration for Eclipse 1.5.1.* org.eclipse.m2e.feature (and) – M2e-wtp 1.1.0

Both of these should be installed as part of base installation

APT M2E Connector

  1. Select Help->Eclipse Marketplace...
  2. Search for: APT M2E Connector (see screen capture below)
  3. Install the Apt M2E Connector software




m2e connector for build-helper-maven-plugin

  1. Select Help->Install New Software...
  2. In the "Work with" element, enter this URL:
  3. Install the M2E Build Helper software.


Install New Software


Selecting the Repository for M2E Build Helper



Install m2e Build Helper





m2e connector for jaxws-maven-plugin

  1. Select Help->Eclipse Marketplace...
  2. Search for: "M2E Connector helper maven"
  3. This will generate a large number of hits (over 100). Scroll to the bottom of the search result and select "Browse for more solutions". See screen capture below.
  4. Scroll down and find "m2e-connector for jaxws-maven-plugin" (screen capture below). Install that software.

Search result for: M2E Connector helper maven

VPN Software / Linux

Install Cisco Anyconnect vpn