
This page assumes you already understand the purpose and background of the software for building CDA documents. This page describes how you add new content to the system of CDA documents and sections in the CDA Builder tool.

Adding a New Document Type

Document types are identified by a template identifier expressed as an OID. In our system, we store one instance of a document that contains header information but no body information. The document body is added by the user when a new instance of the document is created. If the user wants different header content, he/she will generate the document and substitute different header content.

  1. Create a new file containing the document instance's header.
  2. Name the document with its proper "Document Content Module Template Name".
  3. Place the document in the "CDAHeaders" folder in the run directory.
  4. Update the "CDA-Documents-Sections.xlsx" spreadsheet found in the "Excel" folder in the run directory:
  5. In the "Documents" sheet, add the document to the list.  Provide the "Document Content Module Template Name", "Document Content Module Keyname", and "Template ID" fields.
  6. In the "Documents|Sections" sheet, add entries for each of the document's corresponding sections.  Provide the "Document Content Module Template Name", "Section Template Name", "Section Content Module Template ID", and "Required" fields.
  7. Delete the "cda_doc_store" database and restart the server to update the database.



Adding a New Section Type

  1. Create a new folder in the "CDASections" folder in the run directory.
  2. Name the folder with the section's proper "Section Template Name". 
  3. Inside the folder, create a new file containing the section's Template ID.
  4. Name the file "TemplateID".
  5. Update the "CDA-Documents-Sections.xlsx" spreadsheet found in the "Excel" folder in the run directory:
  6. In the "Sections" sheet, add the section to the list.  (NOTE: this sheet is used for reference only.  It is not used to populate the database.)
  7. In the "Documents|Sections" sheet, add entries for every document that contains the new section.  Provide the "Document Content Module Template Name", "Section Template Name", "Section Content Module Template ID", and "Required" fields.
  8. Delete the "cda_doc_store" database and restart the server to update the database.

Adding An Instance of an Existing Section

  1. Create a new file containing the section's code.
  2. Name the file with the information found in the instance's <text> element located beneath the <title> element.  This will be used to distinguish between different section instances.
  3. Place the file in the folder with the proper section type found in the "CDASections" folder in the run directory.
  4. Delete the "cda_doc_store" database and restart the server to update the database.




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