Folder Structure

This is a practice and not a requirement.

  1. Create an empty folder to hold this project.
  2. In the empty folder, create two additional folders:
    1. eclipse
    2. git
  3. When you start eclipse (next section), it will ask you for a workspace folder. Point it at the empty eclipse folder you made.


This project is built using maven; please follow these instructions:

Windows => Preferences => General => Workspace:

Build automatically: not checked (can interfere with Maven builds).

Save automatically before build: checked.

Workspace name: Give project a name, helps avoid confusion.

Clone Repositories

Use the git perspective in Eclipse to clone the following repositories.


Build the Software

  1. After cloning, switch to the Java EE perspective. There will be no projects visible.
  2. Import the maven project into your system.
  3. Right click on one of the projects in the Project explorer and select Maven => Update Project... from the context menu. On the Update Maven Project dialog, click “Select All” and then “OK”.
  4. Build the project with maven in the order and with the goals shown in the table below.
  5. The war file should be found in .../git/restfulatna-web/target/RESTful-ATNA-Server-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war
  6. Rename and drop the war file in the webapps folder of Tomcat. Rename the file to RESTful-ATNA-Server.war.
  7. After you drop the war file in the webapps folder, you should be able to send RESTful queries to it. We do have some sample queries defined using curl. Look in the folder scripts/curl.


ProjectMaven Goals
restfulatna-serverclean package install




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